jueves, 26 de marzo de 2015

My auto biography

Hi everyone!

This information is about me in the blog!

My name is Maria Jose I was born in April 19, 1995 in Santiago de Chile. My education was in 2 different schools, one in the primary and other in the high school place when I make my best friends until now. In this moment I study Public Administration in the Universidad de Chile, this is my second year in the career.

My family is my mom, aunt and my dog. We are just girl’s in the house is funny sometimes but other times is not funny it all, because we have a strong personality. I love my dog with all my soul.

My hobbies are listening music, watch videos in YouTube about music, choreography or funny videos. I really like read books in my free time, especially novels. Other hobbies are watch films or soap opera.

I’m a distracted person so.... a few times I’m lost to get a place but the technology really helps in these situations with the google maps or the GPS.

I love eating chocolate, laughing and sleeping.

Well that’s just me!

Thanks for reading.
Read you soon.