domingo, 5 de abril de 2015

Expectation for a new semester! 

Hello people!

Today I wanna tell you what are my expectations for this new academic period.

Well, this semester I have differents subjects that are the below of the subjects previous course. This subjects are: Administrative Law, Statistics, Microeconomics, Administrative Theory and Theory of Science. Very differents, but complement each other.

This semester I don´t take any extracurriculars subjects, because I don´t like it none. But before I take Arabic Dance like an extracurricular subject. For the other semester I would like take another extracurricular subject, I hope that have new courses for the other academic period.

In this moment I don´t participate in activities of the University, due I can't organise properly my time. Is a big problem for me when there are a lots of tests in a week (there is little time and so much to study!). But I'll like take part in the activities for know new people.

I expect of this new academic period can enjoy my time in the University, pass all the subjects, make good friends and relax. (Every student wanna do this XD)

Don´t forget that the professor have compassion when they do the tests!. 

So.... my expectations are very common. 

Reed you soon!.