sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2015

Activities in Plataforma

Hello everyone

Today I’ll gonna write about the activities correspond to the unit 5 to 8.

For me the most difficult task was the unit 8: “Job Market” because I don’t have a good vocabulary in this area, so I have to increase my vocabulary to undersant conversation about this lesson.

And the easiest task was the unit 7: “Challenges of Education”, I really like everything that have a relation with education, so I think that was easy because is a topic that I find interesting. 

Read you soon!

viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2015

Activities in Plataforma~


Today I gonna talk about the activities correspond to the unit 1 to 4.

For me the most difficult task was the unit 3: ‘Tools of the trade’ and his activities.

I enjoy do it 2 units different: in the unit 1: Personal Information with his activities 1 ‘Privacy on the Internet’ and 4 ‘Writing E-Mails’. Also in the unit 4: Important Days and Dates’ I like do the activity ‘ Stages of life’.

The activities that had been more hard for me is speaking and writing. I can improve this skill reading load or practice with some friend, and look for a web page when I can practice and increase my vocabulary of words.

See you soon! 

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

My experience in the blog!

Hello Everyone!!!
Today I gonna write about my experience writing in the blog~. 

Well, my experience writing in the blog was good, interesting and funny! 

I 'm not a person that talk a lot about myself with people that I don't know, but here change that, and share my hobbies, the things that I like to do. It was funny write in a language that I don´t speak, because I can learn other words that are not common or improve the abilities to write in English, so I can say that write in a blog in the class was and interactive, interesting and entertainment way to teach English to the students.

In general I can say that I like to do again the post in the blog, because the topics that we have to write about are commons and related to us.

I feel that my abilities writing are better that in the beginning. I think that now I can express my ideas and opinions more easily, and use connector between paragraphs to reach the cohesion.

In the future I think than can include topics like:
- The favorite food
- A funny story that happen to ourselves
- If they like to do or do not sports
- The favorite place in the city
- The favorite memory that they have
- They hobbies

Create a short story, riddles or fable can be developed the abilities and the imagination and made the learning enjoyable.

Finally continues with the blog sessions is something that the teachers have to do, because for us is more entertainment and closer.

I really like the experiences because give us more confidentially and security. Also is a good moment to express our feelings and dreams.   
