jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015

My favourite TV Shows or Serie

Hello everyone!!!!!!!!

Today I'm so excited!, because I'll gonna write about my favourite serie.
First I have to say, that I love with all my heart this serie.
My favourite serie in the world is Criminal Minds

I started to watch like a 5 or 6 years ago. One day I was watching TV and was so bored, that I change the channel, and them I find this serie, that catch me completely.
I like so much Criminal Minds because focuses on the psychological analysis of serial murderers to cath them.
I premiered on September 22, 2005, on the broadcast network CBS. Until this time have 10 season, in this year in September it will premiere the 11 season, I can't wait to watch it!!!
Criminal Minds it is centered in the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI headquarters in Quatico, Virginia in the United States, everyone in the team has an speciall ability to coordinate and create appropriate criminal profilers.
Each episode is different, and is centered in catch one serial criminal that is killing a lot of people. The team travels around United States to the city in which it is. I really like that each episode is diferrent beacuse although that I can't see the series eveyday I understand it.

My favourite kind of series are detectives series as you can supposed. I enjoy it a lot! I like the mystery and intrigue that occurs to know who is to blame.

I heard a lot of good reviews of House of Cards, and I want see it, to talk about it, but I don't have free time in this moment, and I know it that if I started to watch one episode I have to finish the season, so in the holidays I have to watch House of Cards. 

4 comentarios:

  1. Criminal Minds is a excellent serie! I see it all the weeks! I love the detective series like Bones (: Did you see it?

  2. spooky! you like to see cases of serial murder.
    I honestly would rather see funny things that make you laugh :)

  3. I like criminal minds too, its a good serie, I'm waiting for the season 6 of my favourite serie too but it'll release on october, great post, see you.

  4. Hi <3
    woow I want to see this series, I have not had time, but I always see advances in commercial tv
