sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2015

Activities in Plataforma

Hello everyone

Today I’ll gonna write about the activities correspond to the unit 5 to 8.

For me the most difficult task was the unit 8: “Job Market” because I don’t have a good vocabulary in this area, so I have to increase my vocabulary to undersant conversation about this lesson.

And the easiest task was the unit 7: “Challenges of Education”, I really like everything that have a relation with education, so I think that was easy because is a topic that I find interesting. 

Read you soon!

viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2015

Activities in Plataforma~


Today I gonna talk about the activities correspond to the unit 1 to 4.

For me the most difficult task was the unit 3: ‘Tools of the trade’ and his activities.

I enjoy do it 2 units different: in the unit 1: Personal Information with his activities 1 ‘Privacy on the Internet’ and 4 ‘Writing E-Mails’. Also in the unit 4: Important Days and Dates’ I like do the activity ‘ Stages of life’.

The activities that had been more hard for me is speaking and writing. I can improve this skill reading load or practice with some friend, and look for a web page when I can practice and increase my vocabulary of words.

See you soon! 

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

My experience in the blog!

Hello Everyone!!!
Today I gonna write about my experience writing in the blog~. 

Well, my experience writing in the blog was good, interesting and funny! 

I 'm not a person that talk a lot about myself with people that I don't know, but here change that, and share my hobbies, the things that I like to do. It was funny write in a language that I don´t speak, because I can learn other words that are not common or improve the abilities to write in English, so I can say that write in a blog in the class was and interactive, interesting and entertainment way to teach English to the students.

In general I can say that I like to do again the post in the blog, because the topics that we have to write about are commons and related to us.

I feel that my abilities writing are better that in the beginning. I think that now I can express my ideas and opinions more easily, and use connector between paragraphs to reach the cohesion.

In the future I think than can include topics like:
- The favorite food
- A funny story that happen to ourselves
- If they like to do or do not sports
- The favorite place in the city
- The favorite memory that they have
- They hobbies

Create a short story, riddles or fable can be developed the abilities and the imagination and made the learning enjoyable.

Finally continues with the blog sessions is something that the teachers have to do, because for us is more entertainment and closer.

I really like the experiences because give us more confidentially and security. Also is a good moment to express our feelings and dreams.   


jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015

My favourite TV Shows or Serie

Hello everyone!!!!!!!!

Today I'm so excited!, because I'll gonna write about my favourite serie.
First I have to say, that I love with all my heart this serie.
My favourite serie in the world is Criminal Minds

I started to watch like a 5 or 6 years ago. One day I was watching TV and was so bored, that I change the channel, and them I find this serie, that catch me completely.
I like so much Criminal Minds because focuses on the psychological analysis of serial murderers to cath them.
I premiered on September 22, 2005, on the broadcast network CBS. Until this time have 10 season, in this year in September it will premiere the 11 season, I can't wait to watch it!!!
Criminal Minds it is centered in the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI headquarters in Quatico, Virginia in the United States, everyone in the team has an speciall ability to coordinate and create appropriate criminal profilers.
Each episode is different, and is centered in catch one serial criminal that is killing a lot of people. The team travels around United States to the city in which it is. I really like that each episode is diferrent beacuse although that I can't see the series eveyday I understand it.

My favourite kind of series are detectives series as you can supposed. I enjoy it a lot! I like the mystery and intrigue that occurs to know who is to blame.

I heard a lot of good reviews of House of Cards, and I want see it, to talk about it, but I don't have free time in this moment, and I know it that if I started to watch one episode I have to finish the season, so in the holidays I have to watch House of Cards. 

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

Expert on your field~

Hello everyone!

Today I'll gonna write about an expert on my field. 

The person that I choose is Max Weber.
Maximilian Carl Emil Weber was born on April 21, 1865  and he died on June 14, 1920.

He was a philosopher, economist, jurist, historian, political scientist and German sociologist, considered one of the founders of the modern study of sociology and public administration, with a strong anti-positivist sense. He never seen at himself like a sociologist. 

He made a great contribution to the organizational structure, specially with the bureaucracy. This bureaucracy model try to inform organizational leaders a solution strategic to the problems inside this organization's, the first theoretic concepts with organizational structure as the rules and procedure necessary to provide at the organization a ‘framework’ that give shape, balance and foundation.

In addition to what I said in the previous paragraph, Max Weber had important works in the religion sociology and the government, but he also wrote a lot in the economy field.
Among his most famous works stand out: "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism", "Economy and Society" and "Politics as a Vocation".

I liked because he include important concepts in the organizations as the rules and procedure must be written in papers that everyone can see it. That the structure about an organization have hierarchy. Is a new point of view about the organization. But he didn't include to the workers in any part of the structure as important elements in the organizations. 

Read you soon! 

jueves, 30 de julio de 2015

A country I'd like to visit

Hello everyone!

Today I gonna write about a country I'd like to visit.

First I have to write that I want visit the most of the countries in the world, but if I have to choose one to visit, this be there in the European zone.

The country that I really like visit is the United Kingdom, specifically England. I really love the way that the England’s speak, his accent is so gorgeous and his costumes are amazing, they are very organized.

England is a territory of United Kingdom, a nation. His have a long history, a very important moment in the universal history is the Industrial Revolution that changed the way of production in the world. The political system is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary system. In the literature highlights William Shakespeare. England have very similar costumes with the United Kingdom. There are so many places that can visit like: Museums, Churches, Parks, Palace and Cities.

If I go there I like spend all the day on the streets and visit every part of England, but if I couldn’t I lead a list with the places that I must visit like the Palace of Buckingham, the center of England, the museum Madame Tussaud’s, the Tower Bridge, Tower of London or the park Brecom Bracoms in Gales for mentioned someone’s, and take a lot of pictures of those places.

I would like work a few times on England like one year for learn to talk well the idiom, the costumes and know the entire city.

Read you soon!

viernes, 19 de junio de 2015

My Favourite Movie♥♥

Hello everyone!

Today I'll gonna write about my favourite movie. 

The movie that I really really really like is..... MAMMA MIA!. I never tire of watch her. I love the storyline of the movie, is so funny in some moments and in other is poignant with lesson that you have to fight for your dreams. 

The first time that I watched this movie was a few months after it premiere and since I love her!. This movie its based on a stage musical with the same name and both are inspired by the musical group ABBA. While we enjoy the funny storyline we listen the songs of ABBA sung by the actors, that I have to say sing very well. 

Now I'll tell a little about the movie: the story are based in Sophie, who is preparing her wedding with Sky, but she wants that her father deliver in the altar, the big problem is that she didn't know who is her father. So she decide read the diaries of his mother, Donna as a teenager, in one diary found three possibles candidates that can be her father: Sam, Harry and Bill..... so she decide invite without telling anyone for the wedding, here begin the fun when Donna discover this three ex lovers in her hotel and remember all the moments lived with them. Is amazing that every song match with the story in the movie, all the selected songs are perfect. 

I love watch comedy movies, I think that anyone can relax and laugh so much watching this kind of movies, but the action movies are entertaining too. 

The most recent movie that I see was.... I don´t remember well xD. I think that was... Pitch Perfect. 


Reed you soon!

martes, 2 de junio de 2015

A photograph I like it 

Hello everyone! 
Today I'll gonna write about a photograph that I like.

First I'll tell you that in the photography you can see my friends and me. If I remember correctly in that afternoon we suppose that we are together for study....... but the last thing we did was study!!.  

We are in my room that day "for study", but we don't study anything. We finished watching a lot of videos on YouTube, laughing about everything and finally taking a lot of photos!. 
The camera taking the photos in automatic mode, for all us appear in theirs.
This photos are memories about my last year in the high school. 

For me every photography have a story behind, a story to tell, this photograph have one too. 

This photography for me it represents the friendship that we have with amazing people that we know. That friendship real, the kind of friends that we know are for all the life, that will be in the good, bad, the worst and the best moments in our life. 

I really really like this photo because I remember that we have a lot of fun that day. 

"Good friends are like stars, you don't always see them but you know they are there"―Cristy Evans

Read you soon!

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2015

My favourite Music ♫

Hello everyone!

This week I’ll wanna write about my favourite kind of music~

In my whole life I 've listened different kind of music. Since when I was a child I was a big fan of the 'Axé', I try to sing every song, but I guess that I said any word because I don´t understand what are saying!. Later when I grow up a few I discoverd the TV show Hannah Montana and, there coming another kind of music that I liked, here I started listening music on english and I really really liked. It is from this time that I met and got involved in the world music. If I have to say what kind of music I liked, I say that the most kind of music is Pop, but I also liked songs of differents artist that have other style of music like a little of rock, or funk, for example there is one song of the band Metallica that is so beautiful, with the guitar chords and drums, his name is The Unforgiven or the song I don´t wanna miss a thing that appear in a movie. 

I suppose that I liked the kind of music that trasmit diferents feelings, emotions in one song, and also like the voice of the singer, I discover that enjoy this kind of music whenever I grow up. Though also I like the music that is more happy or with a rhythm more faster, the kind of song that you can dance with funny steps.

About my favourite singer or band they are: Maroon 5 ( I really really love the voice of Adam Levine, is so beautiful❤), Bruno Mars❤ and I like a few songs of other artist as Beyoncé with Single Ladies (that is like Oh, to dance!), or Coldplay with Paradise*-*, Sia with his voice is amazing! and the list continue.... are so many singers and bands that I like a few song that I could mention a lot, i can be all the day mention it. 

I never in my whole life I went to a concert, because when and singer o band come here, I liked a few song of their, or I don´t have any friend that accompany me to the concert and the other reason is that I don´t have the money to buy the ticket for the concert. I know.... is so sad :(. 

Well, I don´t have a clearly style about the kind of music that I liked, if I like the song I listening a lot!!.

Read you soon!.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015


Hello everyone!

Today I'll gonna write about my favourite piece of technology.

In this time's our society it relates everyday with technological artifacts, so almost people have cellphones, computer, TV's in every momet of his life we can be communicated and know what is happening. The most people can be choose his cellphones like his favourite piece of technology, but for me it is the computer. 

When I was like a 5 or 6 years, my mom's buy a computer. This computer are used by all the family, so we shared. I spend almost the complete day playing games, my favourite was Don King Kong!. Later I discover YouTube and Facebook so now saw a lot's of videos, movies, series and talk with my friends since my house in any moment. 

At 14 year's was given my own computer! a Notebook or Laptop, whatever you say. 
Since this moment I used everyday the Laptop, I continue seeing videos, movies, series, talk with my friends but I also work from her.

I like it the computer because we can do a lot of things. 
We can do: used the Internet, searching information, watch movies or series, do job's, playing games, listenign music or read books online. 

I think that my life would a little borred without a Laptop, because when I arrive to my house one of the things that I do is taking the Laptop and go to the Internet and have a moment of fun.

Sooooo................. in this moment I have a new Laptop and i try to found all his functions, because I'm not very technological. 

Well this are the reasons because the Laptop is my favourite piece of technology. 
Read you soon!~ 

domingo, 5 de abril de 2015

Expectation for a new semester! 

Hello people!

Today I wanna tell you what are my expectations for this new academic period.

Well, this semester I have differents subjects that are the below of the subjects previous course. This subjects are: Administrative Law, Statistics, Microeconomics, Administrative Theory and Theory of Science. Very differents, but complement each other.

This semester I don´t take any extracurriculars subjects, because I don´t like it none. But before I take Arabic Dance like an extracurricular subject. For the other semester I would like take another extracurricular subject, I hope that have new courses for the other academic period.

In this moment I don´t participate in activities of the University, due I can't organise properly my time. Is a big problem for me when there are a lots of tests in a week (there is little time and so much to study!). But I'll like take part in the activities for know new people.

I expect of this new academic period can enjoy my time in the University, pass all the subjects, make good friends and relax. (Every student wanna do this XD)

Don´t forget that the professor have compassion when they do the tests!. 

So.... my expectations are very common. 

Reed you soon!.

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2015

My auto biography

Hi everyone!

This information is about me in the blog!

My name is Maria Jose I was born in April 19, 1995 in Santiago de Chile. My education was in 2 different schools, one in the primary and other in the high school place when I make my best friends until now. In this moment I study Public Administration in the Universidad de Chile, this is my second year in the career.

My family is my mom, aunt and my dog. We are just girl’s in the house is funny sometimes but other times is not funny it all, because we have a strong personality. I love my dog with all my soul.

My hobbies are listening music, watch videos in YouTube about music, choreography or funny videos. I really like read books in my free time, especially novels. Other hobbies are watch films or soap opera.

I’m a distracted person so.... a few times I’m lost to get a place but the technology really helps in these situations with the google maps or the GPS.

I love eating chocolate, laughing and sleeping.

Well that’s just me!

Thanks for reading.
Read you soon.